sobota, 28. februar 2009

Saturday, the 28th of February in 2009

Everything that comes out of my mouth is shit. If I start talking about books I like and anime and manga and stuff like that, all I get is lame, boring, stupid, dumb. If I talk about something other than that it's like people around me don't hear me. Fuck that, they don't even listen to me. Never. My voice is unheard and ignored. If someone watches from afar, they think I'm talking to myself because no one looks in my direction, no one is interested in what I'm saying.
I'm useless. I don't have a purpose here. I don't have a reason to live.
Isn't that ironic? I'm so afraid of dying and at the same time I'm not living life at all.

I want someone to talk to.

Effy is a bitch.
James: Maybe you didn't get it. I said "Are you coming, Eff? You soon will be."
Effy: I got it. Freddie and J.J. got it. That termite over there got it. But you're not going to get it. Got it?
And y'know what she does next? When Freddie needs her, she goes and gets laid by none other than James himself.

And you know the And so the lion fell in love with the lamb. from Twilight? Tell you what, I know a better version.
James: And the wolf shall lie down with the lamb.

And Tony should be in this. He's Effy's f-ing brother! His folks got divorced. His family, hello-o?!?!

Forget it.

2 komentarji:

Tina pravi ...

kjes ti James-a najdla, to je Cook :D

Kia pravi ...

Zej sm pogledala na net ... James = ime, Cook = priimk