petek, 3. april 2009

Friday, the 3rd of April in 2009

Kaj sm nardila. Pršla sm iz šole v četrtek, nardila kosil, pojedla, se mal s fotrom skregala, the usual. Sam sm bla zaspana in okol petih sm šla ubistvu spat. Pa sm mislla, d se bom okol 7 zbudila in tako dalje. Ura je zdele 4.11 zjutri. Zbudila sm se pred pol ure =))

Mel smo včeri športno. Jez se preoblačm. In se kr naenkrat spomnem "I expect from you nothing less than complete domination!" Sm poslala nekomu SMS in ji še napisala, iz kje je, da ji bo ja jasn, od nje pa nč ... Sam tko ful mata complete domination pa preoblačenje v Tivojilu veze.

Man, the foreign folks made me depressed.

Sej poznate Star Wars, ane. Vidla sm eno slikco Orlanda Blooma pa Vigga Mortensena v vlogah Legolasa in Aragorna.
Legolas: Luke will come to the dark side.
Aragorn: Wrong movie, Orlando.
Legolas: I know. I just wanted to say it. ma včas prov hude.

Gandalf comes back in the second Lord of the Rings movie as shown by the trailers. Spoilers for some, but anyone who read the book would have known this.

  • This was actually a strip in Real Life Comics. Greg talked about Gandalf coming back, and Dave, ever the Dork Boy, replied with "He comes back? Why'd you spoil it for me?!"
    Greg: Geez, Dave, these books have been around for fifty years. Me telling you about it is like telling you Hamlet dies at the end of the story.
    Dave: Hamlet dies?!
    Greg: I take it back. You can't go with us until you spend some time at the library.

Petra: "Please don't kill him, Bean. Please."
Bean: "Remind me why."
Petra: "Because we're good people."
Volescu: *laughs* "You live by murder. How many people have you both killed? And if we add in all the Buggers you slaughtered out in space..."
Petra: "Ok, go ahead and kill him."

Phantom Limb: Thank you. We're not so different, you and I.
Brock: Yeeeaah, I don't need another "we're not so different" speech. I get those a lot.
Phantom Limb: Yes I'm sure you do.

Vicious: You should see yourself. Do you have any idea what you look like right at this moment, Spike?
Spike: (with a savage grin on his face) What?
Vicious: A ravenous beast. The same blood runs through both of us. The blood of a beast that wanders, hunting for the blood of others.
Spike: I've bled all that kind of blood away.
Vicious: Then why are you still alive?!

Edward: It's funny. Every crook I meet wants to tell me how much I'm just like them.

Nick: We're the same, you and me. We're the same, don't you see?
D-Fens: We are not the same. I'm an American and you're a sick asshole.

Ricky Tan: Would you like me to tell you how your father died?
-Lee cocks gun-
Carter: Whoa, now, Lee. He ain't worth it man. He tryin' to mess with you. Don't do it.
Ricky Tan: He never begged for his life, or tried to make a deal.
Carter: Put the gun down, Lee.
Ricky Tan: All he asked for, seconds before I pulled the trigger, was that I promised not to kill you. Oh, it was so pathetic.
Carter: Aw, hell no, he done gone too far. You better shoot his ass, Lee, shoot his ASS!

2 komentarji:

Darakna pravi ...

Lol, kje si pa Rush Hour najdla.

Kaj pa:
Jack Sparrow:
Why not? We *are* very much alike, you and I. I and you. Us.

Elizabeth Swann:
Oh. Except for a sense of honor, and decency and-and a moral center. And personal hygiene.

[Jack smells his armpits]

Jack Sparrow:
Trifles. You *will* come over to my side, I know it.

Kia pravi ...

Ma aveš, can be fun ... rush hour was in it ..