Ma faaaaak no. Sej je res, da nimam pojma o matematki, sam ne morš takih vn metat, no, jesus
(zadno besedo morte po anglešk izgovort)
Nano is like 10 to the power of -9, Mega is 10 to the power of 6, and Giga is 10 to the power of 9. Googol is 10 to the power of 99.
I thought google is to the power of 100. Nice to know.
Maybe I'm wrong, but 10^100 would be with 101 zeros (at least I think).
Somehow when I looked up Googol on Google (LoL) the number apeared to be: 1^100. The definition is also stated as "one followed by a hundred zeros".
I think 1^100 is the real definition of Googol.
I wonder where 10^100 really came from. If it really is this way, then Tophius's assumption is logical.
Are you serious? Do you even know what 1^100 means? 1^100 means 1 x 1 x 1 x 1 x 1 and so on and on and on until u multiply 1 with 1 a hundred times. And 1 x 1 is always 1. So it doesn't matter if u have 1^10 or 1^100 or 1^599 or 1^9346, the result is always 1.
I figured it out now. 10 squared has two zeros following it. Just because there's a two in the coefficient doesnt indicate that there's two additional zeros following it.
In other words 10^X will have an X amount of zeros following it.
So a googol is 10^100 which is exactly 100 zeros following the 1.
But you see, there's already 1 zero in 10, so 10^99 would be logical, because you're technically adding 99 zeros to the original 1.
But nevermind, all the others were no where NEAR 10^99.
There's already 1 zero in 10, but 10^2 is still 100.
There's already 1 zero in 10 but 10^3 is still 1,000.
1^100 and 10^100 are two completely different things.
10^0 is 1.
10^1 is 10.
10^2 is 100.
10^3 is 1 000.
10^4 is 10 000.
10^6 is 1 000 000
10^9 is 1 000 000 000
10^12 is 1 000 000 000 000.
U see the pattern?
Mislm, folk piše komentarje v stilu "kako je lahko vprašanje kaj je googol za 1 000 000 funtov, če pa vsak ve, da je to 10^100" a na take komentarje, kt so zgori, pa noben nč ne reče. Neumn si, če pišeš, da je 1^100 enako številu, k ma eno 1 pa sto 0, ne pa če ne veš, kaj the fuck je googol.
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