Ojea! Fizko sm kr 3 pisala. Obvladam sceno, stari. Tko, 3, da sm se sama naučila, brez pomoči fotra pa brez, da bi najprej šut pisala. Pa zgodlo sm s 4 popravla. Oujea. Okej, zakaj tle ni smejkotov, rabm mojga *kul* smejkota.
Neki sm študerala o čikih. (lol, kako se to sliš) Če bi jz res kadila, pol bi zgledala tko k Yuki guy iz Gravitation ... except for the blonde hair and glasses. Čeprov Hiro je bol kjut, sam Yuki je bol resn.
Pazi, zdej se bo najdu en, k bo reku, da animeji spodbujajo mladino, da kadiXD
No, no, tale dialog je men osebno hud. Spisala ga je moja anime-freak frendica. Or should I say Sasuke-freak:P (sej ne bere, haha)
Enemy (to Sai): “In the meanwhile you better keep your head cool. That also goes to that Caucasian friend of yours.”
Veorn: “Who are you calling a Caucasian, pal?! What does that even mean?”
Sai: “It means ‘white-man’, you idiot.”
Veorn: “Oh. Hey, wait? What are you then? You’re whiter than me and …”
Sai: “I look more like an Asian to those guys than you.”
Veorn: “Wait … you’re an Asian? Seriously?”
Sai: “I’m a Kanja.”
(Later - Tied up)
Veorn: “No, seriously … what are you anyway? You’re not the usual white man, that’s for sure. But you don’t look like an Asian. Well except for the round face, black hair and short body … Your eyes are different. They’re bigger. What kind of human are you?”
Sai: “I told you … I’m a Kanja. I’m not human. That’s how Kanjas look.”
Veorn: “Sure, but you’re from Earth, right. Where did you live? Asia? No, not with the eyes like that. They’d probably kill you, thinking you were a demon or something … well, not thinking, but knowing.”
Sai: “Not the whole of Asia is third-world you know.”
Veorn: “Bet you’re from America. That’s where all sorts of guys are. Black, white, red, yellow … green.”
Sai: “All I have with America is my talking …”
Veorn: “Talking ha? Seen too many movies, have we?”
Sai: “How much do you want for one second of being quiet?”
Veorn: “Japan … or something like that. Maybe France …”
Sai: “You CAN’T be serious.”
Veorn: “Well, you sure as hell look like some Japanese … maybe your parent was …”
Sai: “My parent was a Kanja. I’m a Kanja. Get it into your thick head.”
Veorn: “Yeah … but WHERE DID YOU LIVE? You sure as hell are not Russian, maybe Italy or Greece …”
Sai: “It’s England, ok?”
Veorn: “England? No way. You can’t be English. England was one of the last on my list … It wasn’t even ON the list. What kind of an English gentleman are you?”
Sai: “I’m not English, ok? I just lived there. I’m a Kanja.”
Veorn: “You’re not even whole that! You’re (not telling EVERYTHING) … who looks like an Asian, with the eyes of something weird, speaks like an American and lives in England. Man, how do you get that on your passport?”
Oookej, še ene 50 slikc nekoga določenga dam ... k je prov tko kul kot Ray ... in prov tko chinese kot Ray, kolk sta si podobna, si morš mislt ...

Kia, over and out
4 komentarji:
yuki je blond.
Sm napisala except for the blonde hair and glasses.
Čeprov na tej sliki, k si jo ti dala, nima špeglov.
ja no,sej vem,da si napisala...sam je treba poudart. gaaram naprimer...ni blond=D
Who said I'm not readin' it?
Kr mal razmišljam, da bi jst kle začela pisat, k na viji je ful omejitev (npr. slik ne morš dat direkt ipd).
Poleg vsega ... tista slikca Rena (hrbet), gre na moj phone ... še vedno mislim, da ima ta tip najlepši telo na svetu. XD
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