sreda, 31. december 2008

Wednesday, the 31st of december in 2008

I just simply had to set a picture of Fuji as a background. They just made him the best with his deep blue eyes. Too bad that a person like him doesn't exist in this world.

ponedeljek, 29. december 2008

Monday, the 29th of december in 2008, part 4

Okay, here's another piece of Roxorloops' beatboxing.

The more I think about it, the more I get depressed. What the hell, no?!
Need to find something new to watch or to read ...

And so it ends. It should've been longer, this anime. I mean, 178 episodes x 20 minutes, that's nothing. That's only 59,3 hours of watching. Nothing at all.
Why the hell do I enjoy this japanese thing so much? I don't even know myself. Some people think I watch this and read books too much.

I never, NEVER cry when watching movies or anime, reading a book or manga. Like, everybody cried at Titanic but I didn't. This time I came very close. I was all teary. What the hell is the matter with me?! I never thought I'd be so lame, good lord.

Okay, here's the thing. The match between Fuji and Akaya (read part 1 of the day if u don't know what I'm talking about) was OMFG. The match between Ryoma and Sana was OMG, OMFG, WTF, WTH, FRICKIN **********. I got everything. How they mixed manga and the anime and the Ryoma-being-posessed-thing and his speaking in english when the actual anime is in japanese, all those things. And I had bigger eyes than Ryoma and he usually has pretty big eyes. And the light in my eyes was probably there too, just like how Fuji's eyes shone with rage. But mine shone with excitement. And I could tell you all about that match and I already started writing, but then I gave up, I'm not in the mood for writing. I'm in the mood for freaking out. But I'm too lazy to freak out here. I'm just ... spechless. It's 3.23 a.m. right now but if I go to sleep now ... yeah, that won't happen, I can't go to sleep now. The only thing that's left for me is to go watch the next episode, that's gonna be very different from the last and wait for the excitement be replaced by sleepiness. But about the Ryoma-Sanada match I won't say a thing ... well, at least here. I'll keep it to myself for your own good.

I just realized. When I'm in very very very good mood and don't think much, I can write in english just as fast as writing in slovene, even though I know I make mistakes. But I shouldn't care about mistakes, I should just write and write. And that's how maybe I'll be able to write a fanfic in english like I tried many times and stopped in the middle and ended it with "SUX".

OMG, it's 3.28 in the morning and I'm sitting on a sofa in a living-room not sleep thinking about sleeping at all. No comment.

*Warning: the following may drastically change your GOOD opinion about me. It's better if you don't read ahead because you really don't want to see this side of me. On the other hand, if you have a bad opinion about me then read ahead, your opinion wil go from "she's annoying, stupid, ugly, lives in her own fantasy world of cartoons" to "okay, now she's gone crazy, she's officially a LUNATIC."*

OMG, that is the BEST match in THE WHOLE SERIES! Okay, three fictional characters from Prince of tennis are now important. First is Ryoma, who's a freshman at Seigaku, a tennis school he attends. Everyone were totally shocked, when he came there and beat 3 of the regulars (that's how the best players in school are called, they're the ones who compete in the tournaments, the rest of them are substitutes and hope that they'll become regulars. But to become a regular, you have to beat at least one in the monthly matches between the regulars in one school. Hope u get it.) with no sweat and became one of them. He's a son of the legendary Nanjiroh Echizen, who was a tennis ace. Anyway, Ryoma is really good.
Second character is Syuusuke Fuji. Syuusuke is his first and Fuji is his last name. We'll just simply call him Fuji. He's a prodigy in the Seigaku school. No one has ever beaten him, except Tezuka, who is captain of Seigaku and is at the moment in Germany in one of the best hospitals because he hurt his arm a few years ago and now feels the consequences. It's known that Fuji hasn't showed his full strength in these three years he's been attending Seigaku. Every match is a surprise to his opponent and to the spectators. Fuji is a very, very kind and nice man. He doesn't care if something happens to him, but when his friends and family are in danger, he'll do everything to protect them. And that's pretty important for the match, that I'm gonna talk about in a few sentences.
Third person is Akaya Kirihara. Akaya is his first and Kirihara is his last name. His playstyle involves hurting (yes, he actually HURTS people) his opponents with aiming to his or her knees or ankles and wrists, as he did in the match against Tachibana (Fuji's friend). He attends the Reikkaidai tennis school.
So, both Ryoma and Fuji didn't show their full strength yet. But that has to happen some day, right? I was, like, really angry, when I saw that the unofficial match between Ryoma and Akaya that happened in the manga and showed Ryoma's full potential was never adapted into anime. (Btw, that match in the manga was AWESOME, Ryoma totally kicked Akaya's butt/ass in that game, I was like yeah, kill him, he deserves it for aiming your knee and hurting you!) What they did in the anime, was that the league postponed the finals between Seigaku and Reikkaidai for a week because of the certain circumstances. So the Seigaku club went camping for one week and of course training. Now, Tezuka in Germany called to Japan and asked one of really strong teams to have practise matches with Seigaku and it was Atobe, the captain of that team that drew out Ryoma's potential. Ryoma almost hurt his wrist, but it wasn't because Atobe'd aim for it like Akaya aimed for Ryoma's knee in the manga, but Atobe's shot was so powerful that its strength and pressure could've hurt Ryoma wrist while trying to return that shot. It was wither that or overcome that. Of course Ryoma overcame that, he's awesome. The animators took the Ryoma-Akaya unofficial match from the manga and changed it into Fuji-Akaya official match. And damn, I almost killed Akaya because he was intentionally hurting my nice, kind, always smiling Fuji! So, what happened is that Akaya played his usual tennis and that is, as I already mentioned it, intentionally aiming for Fuji's knee and later hit him into his chest so he couldn't breathe for a few moments. But then Tachibana came from hospital (yes, Akaya's tennis playstyle put him into the HOSPITAL! I mean, who can be so cruel?) to support Fuji and cheer him on. Fuji's eyes look like they're closed due to his constant smiling, but when he's serious about tennis or protecting someone excluding himself, he reveales his sharp, blue eyes. And this time when he looked at Akaya they were full of anger. Because Akaya used tennis to spread hatred and Fuji punished him for that. Fuji's personality doesn't allow him to crush people, because he's just simply too kind. And yet, when he looked at Akaya he remembered how Akaya played against Tachibana and put him to hospital and how he hurt his prevoius opponents too. For that reason, he was able to draw out his full strength and REALLY KICKED AKAYA'S ASS! I was like OMG, GET HIM FUJI, GET HIM! You see, Akaya hit Fuji's knee and he fell on the ground, then Akaya came to the net, looked down at him and said "sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you. It wasn't intentionally, it was an accident." Of course he was lying, you'd have to be blind not to see it. And then Fuji got REALLY ANGRY and he, like, totally freaked. Akaya thought Fuji was done for and lost all his energy, but suddenly, Fuji's speed, power and accuracy of the shots increased. Akaya was TOTALLY SCARED of him and he couldn't believe Fuji had so much strength left. And then Fuji accidentally (yes, accidentally) hit Akaya's knee the same was Akaya did that to other players. Fuji knew it was an accident but Akaya didn't. He was overwhelmed with fear. So Fuji used that and went to the net, looked down at Akaya with his sharp, blue eyes that were now raging with anger and said "I'm sorry I hit your knee. It wasn't intentionally, it was an accident." Then picked up the ball, served a couple of times and Akaya was SO SCARED he couldn't return a single one of them. Fuji won 6-4, got revenge for Tachibana and all the other players Akaya hurt and drew out his full potential and strength and the moment the match was over, all the rage and anger was gone, he instantly became his old, always smiling Fuji.

Now, if your good opinion was changed to bad, don't say I didn't warn you. And if your bad opinion was changed to worse... well, I don't really care.

četrtek, 25. december 2008

Thursday, 25th of December in 2008

Aaaaam ... kaj čm povedat. Nč. Samo tole.

Inui: Look at Saeki's eyes. They're like those of a hunter eyeing its prey.

Morm rečt, da mi je zlo všeč ta primerjava. Don't really know why.

nedelja, 21. december 2008

Sunday, 21st of december in 2008

Torej, ker mam ful problemov z zmišljevanjem naslovov in nazivov, ker velikrat napišem več stvari, k med sabo nimajo nobenga pomena in se jih ne da z eno besedno zvezo zajet, sm se odločla, da bojo nazivi kr dan in datum, ker se česa bol pametnga ne morm spomnt. Da se bom naučila pisat datume v angli, jih bom pisala v angli.

Zdej še tale blog na hitr skup spacam in eni na viji končno odpišem, pol se grem pa biologijo učit. Ne bom se učila vsega, to ne, sm čiz zadovolna z dve, tolk da mam pozitivno, zato se bom naučila samo žvali, ne pa tut rastlin. Rastline bom itak pol popravlala po počitncah. Ampk važn je, da jutr dobim pozitivno. Pa matki morm rečt, da mi šenkrat opravičil napiše, ker sm ga nekam založila. Sam je pa dobr, da sm prejšn pondelk zaspala in prespala prve tri ure pouka, zadnje tri sm pa pol špricala. Pr bajli so namreč lignje seciral. Men je čist fajn, če znam teorijo, ne rabm tega še na lignu vidt, tist drobovnjak pa ne vem, kaj majo glavonožci (vidte, zto se morm pa učit, mi bo prfoksa takoj šut dala).

Včeri sm gledala Prince of Tennis do pol petih zjutri. Ustala sm pa dejansko ob 11, mal prej. To je prov rekord, ponavad ustanem ob 11, če grem ob polnoči spat, ne pa ob pol petih. Pa tko, ful se mi zdi, da preveč vejc delamXD Anyway, delala sm najbol bedne stvari medtem, k sm čakala, da se mi Prince of Tennis zlovda. Šla sm na spletno stran moje bivše osnovne šole in pogledala, če majo kašne nove aktivnosti. nove izbirce, nove prfokse, pa če se je Klaves (prfoks za glasbo) že upokojil al ne. Na srečo se je. Pa na srečo po tem, k smo mi šli, baje je tanova prfoksa zajebana.

Prebrat morm še Vampire Knight chapter 46. Bog ve, kaj bo zdej Zero naredu, tok me zanima. Ampk ne dons, dons se bom sam še bajlo učila. Pol pa po 4 urah (ker tok cajta se mi bo še Prince of Tennis loadu) bom pršla mal na komp pa pogledala en del animeja pa še VK prebrala pol pa nazaj na bajlo. Sm ugotovila, da če gledam anime pa se grem pol učit, se velik laži učim, k sm dobre vole.

Popravk, Prince se mi bo loadu še 7 UR! Ura je pa že 7, to bo lih ob dveh ponoč, jao.

Mat me hoče za božič zvlečt na Velko planino v eno super mejhno kočo, kjer bo 16 folka notr. Ne morš s takimi, no. Jez se ne počutm dobr nekje, kjer je velik folka in se stalno sliši človeški glas, kjer ne morš nikamor it, ne da bi vidu kakšno človeško bitje in basically ne morš nč. Pa še spiš na tleh, medtem k majo drugi celo postlo zase, ker so starejši od tebe in majo prednost. Dej no, a je lahko še bol lame? In zdej jez ne vem, kaj nej nardim. Lahko grem tja in se mi zmeša med tolkimi ljudmi na enem mestu, lahko se pa sama zbudim na božič v prazni hiši. To go or not to go, that is the question.

Kaj mam še za povedat? V petk smo pisal angleščino. Jez sm znala slovnco, tist food vocabulary se mi pa ni dal učit. Pa je bil stavk we should eat a lot of _______ which we can find them in milk, cheese and other ______ products. Jez sm se pol v mislih pogovarjala sama s sabo. Naprimer tkole: we should eat a lot of beljakovin but how the hell do you say beljakovine in english?! 10 minut sm se tkole kregala s sabo (slovnični del sm rešla v 10-15 minutah, ostalih 30 sm se zajebavala s tema dvema nalogama o food vocabulary), predn sm se iz ne vem kerga filma, animeja, ne vem česa spomnla na PROTEINS! In vsa ponosna napisala te jebene proteins na črtoXD Tadrugo sm pa prazno pustila, k nism vedla, a je protein products al ne, pa raj nism nč napisala. Sej vem, štor.

Aja, ugotovila sm, kaj pomeni mada mada dane. Dobesedno to pomeni no, not yet. Ampk odvisno od tega, v kakšni situaciji je izrečen, Ryoma to dostkrat reče, da nekoga sprovocira. Al pa če prot komu igra pa je nasprotnik slabši od njega in ga Ryoma premaga pa gre do njega in mu reče mada mada dane, kar v tem primeru pomeni you have a long way to go.

ta vikend sm pospravla sobo. Mislm RES pospravla. Veste, kok grozna je bla soba in sploh una polica, kjer mam knjige. Zej je pa ta polica tko lepa in največ je mang na njej in na eni strani je Twilight in na drugi je Harry Potter in ostale knjige so šle v omaro, ker zavzemajo plac na polici, kjer se more vidt moje mange.

Včeri sm še mal iskala Prince of Tennis soundtrack. Pa sm najdla 3 al 4 pesmi, k so mi všečne.


Ta je taka mirna pa še fajn predstavla odnos med tema dvema na sliki. K sta v animeju mal starejša, sam flashbacki so pač umes.




Teli trije so mi všeč zard muske same, k je huda pač.


Ta pa ubistvu ni nč posebnga, ampk mi je še zmer hud. Nekak se mi zdi, da tistih par sekund na začetku predstavla začetno upanje al pa neko idejo, k bi just might work, na konc pa VICTORY! Zto mi je všeč.

Mada mada dane.

četrtek, 18. december 2008

Sweet sixteen?

Not at all.

Prvič v lajfu sm se učila kemijo, pol me pa prfoksa obtož prepisvanja.

Nov anime sm si zlovdala, mislm nov zame. Nov zto, ker ga še nism vidla. Pa sploh ni tolk slab, tale Prince of Tennis.

Ugotavlam, da ne morm brez enga upisa, ne da bi omenila kakšn anime al pa kako mango:D Zdejle, tale moment čakam, da se mi Prince of Tennis zlovda, da lahko pogledam še kakšn del al pa dva .. al pa tri al pa štiri .. kej več pa ne bo šlo, ker loadam po štiri naenkrat, vseh delov je pa 178. In morm ugotovit, kaj the hell pomeni "mada mada dane", ker mali v animeju to stalno govori, pa je vsakič drugač preveden.

Za rojstn dan mi je nekdo (v familiji) dal 25€. Ugante, za kaj jih bom zapravla. U guessed right! Za Naruta! Zej mi ni treba čakat do januarja na žepnino. Čeprov, morm preštuderat, 3x9 je 27€, tok pa nimam. Mam le in samo 25€. Lameee.

Jutr bom domov iz šole šla z osmimi mangami. Vampire knight jutr namreč dobim nazaj, se pravi to je 5 volumov, iz Valenovaka pa bom vzela, se pravi kupila 3 volume Naruta, 27., 28. in 29. Pol bom mela pa vse mange od 14-31, pa še 32 in 33 volume bom naročila. Pol bom pa mal tisto polico pospravla, kjer so knjige, ker jih je totalno preveč. Morm se odločt, kaj bo ostal na polici in kaj bo šlo v prazno omaro mal več kot meter pod tisto polico. Ampk une knjige v omari ne bojo več vidne. Tko da bo to težka odločitev. Al pa tut ne. Mange definitivno ostanejo na polici, pol pa zraven še kej. Po vsej verjetnosti moja Twilight saga, čeprov mi manjka prvi del. Pa seveda tiste knjige, k niso moje, k so na posodi (torej samo the Host), k so iz knjižnce (teh je pa mal več, čeprov jih je res ful mal), ostale pa v omaro (Pika Nogavička, Harry Potter, Eragon, Harsh cry of the Heron, neke nemške knjige pa še ene angleške, k so še od fotra ...)

K smo že pr fotru, baje je on mel popravce, k je bil v srednji, zdej pa men teži, k jih mam oz. če jih mam (lani sm skor mela enga). Vedno se je učil samo tist, kar ga je zanimal, kar je ista stvar, k jo jez delam. Če bom kdaj mela jez popravca, mu bom točno to rekla. Ha!

Kaj morm še dans narest? Nalogo za nemščino, ker je ne mislm jutr zjutri delat, thank you very much. Pol še nalogo za matematko, ker so mi spet ocene uibr padle, odkar ne delam domačih nalog in pa najdt liste, kjer mam tist angleški food topic, ker mormo poznat ime za vsako jebeno zelišče, k jih pa še v slovenščini ne vem, človk božji.
No, če ne druzga, si bom zapomnla vsaj to, kaj pomeni squid.
Sid: Maybe we could rapidly evolve into water creatures.
Diego: That's genius, Sid.
Sid: Call me Squid.

94,3% Še mal, še mal. Zdej bo počas že cajt, da se kakšn Naruto prkaže na internetu, anime in manga, pol še kakšn Vampire Knight subbed (trenutno je sam raw verzija gor, et je ne parle pas japonais).

Ah klinc, men se ne da več pisat.

sreda, 17. december 2008

Kako jez napišem fanfiction

1.) Dobim idejo in težim Barbari, nej jo sprav na papir namest mene, ker jez ne znam pisat.
2.) Mine sto let.
3.) Spravm se pisat.
4.) Napišem pol al pa tri četrt zgodbe.
5.) Preberem enkrat, dvakrat, trikrat.
6.) Preberem četrtič, pod zadn stavk napišem SUX in nikol več ne pogledam tega sestavka. Ker SUXa.

torek, 16. december 2008

Dve stvari

1.) Kimono mam, kimono mam, kimono mam =))

2.) NI GA BLO NA TRENING, ni ga blo na trening, ni ga blo na trening =((

nedelja, 14. december 2008

Nova scena beyblade fanfictiona

Tyson: Prekmurska gibanica? What is that??
Kala: Literally it means: and over-Mura moving cake
Kenny: Allow me to educate Tyson about this particular food-thing. Prekmurska gibanica is a layered pastry, originating in the region of Prekmurje, Slovenia. It variously contains poppy seeds, walnuts, apples, raisins and cottage cheese feelings. Altough native to Prekmurje it has achieved the status of national speciality of Slovenia. The unique sweetmeat shows the variety of agriculture in this region.
Kia: Did you eat a cooking book or something?
Kenny: No, I googled it.
Kia: Well there's a difference ...
[later, Tyson is explaining to Daichi what is a prekmurska gibanica]
Tyson: ...shows the variety of agriculture in this region.
[a moment of silence, everybody is looking at Tyson]
Tyson: What? Do I have something between my teeth? Wait. Where's my blade? Oh, good, here it is. I thought I lost it. Or that someone stole it from me. Why are you all staring like that at me?! It's freaking me out.
Ray: You actually remember all that about prekmurska gibanica?
Tyson: Hey, it's food, it's deliscious, it's something worth remembering. Unlike something stupid like math or ... no, I can't think of anything more stupid than math. I mean, who on earth wants to know, how much 3 times 4 is. It's not like I need to know this when I'm fighting.
Ray: You don't know how much 3 times 4 is?
Tyson: Er ... I believe it's ... 7?

Tele dve al tri slikce al kolk jih mam, bom objavla samo in edino zato, da jih lahko nekomu pokažem pa ker jih ni nikjer na netu, morm sama dat ... na se mi pa ne da, je počasn:D

Okej, najbolša scena v madagascarju

Pa še najbolši glas ma tip, tak super deep:D

I like'em big
I like'em chunky
I like'em big
I like'em plumpy
I like'em round
With somethin somethin
They like ma sound
They think I'm funky

Gloria: So you're Motomoto
Motomoto: The name's so nice you say it twice
[shows three fingers on his hand]

sreda, 10. december 2008

VK soundtrack

Okej, slučajno nimam kej za delat pa na youtubu gledam, kakšni so kej komadi na Vampire Knight Soundtracku. In najdem tale komad

Spodi pa tak komentar:

xD I like bouncing in my chair when I hear this song x3 It's so fun!

OMG, jez sam u smeh XD

Jez se morm čimprej in čim hitrej preselit v London h Gregu in Louise in Danielu.

feel like shit.

Šla bi na čik. Pa ne grem

That's all I wanted to say.

torek, 9. december 2008

Mojih mang ...

... ni več ... zdej je pa taka praznina tam na polici=(
Sej ne, da sm tipu ene desetkrat rekla "Pazi!", pa sva šla sam od Šube pa do glavne skpXD
Neki sm še mela za napisat, čakte zdej, da se spomnem.
Aja, naslednič, k bo men zjutri slabo (kar se ponavad dogaja trikrat na tedn), bom rekla, da se oh in sploh slabo počutm in če lahko doma ostanem. Problem je samo v tem, da je mojo mtko težko prepričat.
Dans tip na treningu ni mene pozdravu ... sicr jez tut njega nism, sm ga pa pol med pavzo neki vprašala pa sva se mal pogovarjala *kul* Pa še fajn trening je bil, čeprov sm mislla, da bom crknla, k je traju tri ure. Zej čakam četrtek, ker bo spet trening in se bomo spet mel fajn=) In ja, spet bom njega vidla.
Razmišlam, a bi šla v soboto na prednovoletn party, k ga ma naš klub, al ne bi šla? Ja ali ne ... ja ali ne ... ja ali ne ...
Zej pa, ura je 23.33. Grem delat domače branje. Knjiga je kul, ampk nimam časa do konca prebrat. Odlomek za interpretirat sm našla (in to ne sam enga, celo dva!), oznako oseb, obnovo in življenjepis avtorja se pa itak vse na netu najde pa še mal iz knjige prebereš spremno besedo, kjer vse piše, pa maš narjen, no worries.
Well well, what d'you know, ne bom dobila šuta after all. Pa še glavni odmor je umes, se pravi ura slovenščine je zadnji dve uri, tko da mam še pol ure cajta garantirano. Aja, šit, dežurna sm. God, I hate this!
Upam, da bom napredvala na nasledno stopnjo pasu.

It's just one of those days
when you don't wanna wake up
Everything is FUCKED
Everybody SUCKS

Me looooooooves this komad.

ponedeljek, 8. december 2008

Murder me for being me.

If you do that, the world will be a better place.

It's just one of those days.

K bomo pr biologiji seciral lignje pa žabe pa ne vem, kaj še, na tisto uro mene sigurno ne bo. Tko k Edward iz Twilighta reče, it's healthy to ditch class now and then.

Razmišlala sm, da bi se mogoče posnela, k berem kašno angleško knjigo pa bi brala na glas in ... ja, pol pa še ne vem, a bi se dala na net pa brala komentarje, k mi bojo govorl, kolk ne znam angleško govortXD


Zdej grem pa v knjižnco narest nalogo za nemščino, rešt diagnostični test za fizko pa brat knjigo za domače branje. Zločin in kazen.

10 more days. Pa cajt je, da si grem delat že enkrat osebno, k je še zmer nimamXD

Zelozelo mi je všeč tale fanfiction.

Zvočnike do konca, drgač ni učinka.

Ichijo: "Wake up! Tonight my grandfather will be here!"
Aido: "Ichijo, are you really a vampire? Why do you have so much energy during the day? Why don't you go play in the sunlight and turn to dust just like the vampire in the manga you forced me to read ..." [falls asleep]

Ja baje, da bom nekomu posodila svoje mange ... svoj Vampire Knight ... in to osebi moškega spola (VK drugač cilja na žensko občinstvo).
Ene parkrat v lajfu sm uzela tablet za glavo. Dans mi je prvič v lajfu dejansko pomagu.
Aja, aja, no, glede moje ideje za fanfiction ... jz pa Barbara (ok, samo Barbara) je napisala kr neki dobrih dialogov. Napišem enega ali dva (ali tri ali štiri ali pet ali šest ...)

Tyson: There in Vukojebinah.
Ray: Where's that?
Tyson: Don't know, just heard them saying it.

Tyson: Prekmurska gibanica? What does that mean?
Kala: Literally it means 'Over-Mura moving cake'.
Tyson: What? It runs away when you're trying to eat it?
(Btw, Kala je Barbara)

Kia sees Ray in front of Šuba.
Kia: What're you doing here?
Ray: Checking out people my age. Learning culture.
Some guy says hi to Kia and Kia says hi back.
Ray: Who was that?
Kia: A schoolmate ... what is it to you?
Ray: Nothing. Just learning culture.
Kala comes to Kia's school (meaning Šuba).
Kala: Hi, Kia. What's he doing here?
Kia: Learning culture.
Kala: Well, the culture here is ... ignore people and if you want to get somewhere use your elbows. And stay away from the old ladies on the bus. They would like to sit where you do.
Kia: Where were you?
Kala: Erm ... learning culture.

Nasledna je MOJA, ne od Barbare:P
A guy says hi to Kia and Kia says hi back.
Ray: Who was that?
Kia: A guy I had a crush on last year.
Ray's mood seemed to lighten up when he heard Kia using past tense.

Ok, naprej so spet od Barbare.
Ray comes to a hotel room.
Max: Where have you been?
Kai: We were training, you missed it.
Ray: I was working ... got a new job.
Kai: I saw you follow that girl in the morning.
Ray: Speaking of girls ... your says hello ... I'm not the only one with one around here, am I?
Tyson: What does THAT mean?
Max: Girl ... it's a female human.

Tyson: Is this a place called Šuba?
Random Guy: Yeah ... what do you want?
Tyson: I'm looking for someone named ... Oh, hey.
Kia: What are you doing here?
Tyson: Your delivery men have no sense for food what-so-ever... Do you know where Ray works?
Kia: Sure.
Tyson: I'm hungry ... NOW.
Kia: O-kay ... let me show you then.
At the resturant.
Kia: Ray ... there's someone here to ...
Tyson: I'll have three large burgers, two plates of french fries and a cup of ice-cream for a start ... and then you can bring me the menu.
Ray: Tyson ... did you break the spirit to another delivery man?
Tyson: He said it was the largest pizza they've got. These slovenians aren't just small in country ... they're small in food!
Kia: Well I guess you're as big in stupid as you are in your stomach?

petek, 5. december 2008


Haha, upam, da bo tole Barbara prebralaXD

Jez sm mela že kr neki idej za fanfictione.
Twilight - Jacob pa Bella se pogovarjata oz. kregata. In se Jacob tolk zlo razjezi, da znori in se transforma v werewolfa in v trenutku besa in jeze poškoduje Bello kr dost hudo. Če bi to bil oneshot, bi se to končal tko, da bi se Jacobu uspel dost pomirit, da bi se transformu nazaj v človeka in reku kej v stilu "Bella! No, no, Bella, wake up! Please, I didn't mean to, I'm terribly sorry. Don't be dead, come on! What have I done?" Če bi mel pa dva poglavja, bi se pa v drugem chapterju Edward in Jacob spopadla ... samo ne vem še, kdo bi zmagu:D (pa če bi zmagu v besednem al pa fizičnem boju). Pa še ne vem, a bi Bella umrla al bi preživela. Pa to nej bi se zgodil, k je Bella še human.
Vampire Knight - postavleno med k Kanamejev "I love you, Yuki" in Yukijino "preobrazbo" v vampirko. Idejo dobila v svojih sanjah. Yuki se ponoč neki zgodi (tega detajla še nism dodelala. Ubistvu še nbenga nism, sam tko mam okvirno neki postavlen nekje v možganih). Vsa prestrašena gre k osebi, k ji najbol zaupa in se je ne boji - Zero. Sicer Zero spi v boy's dormitory, ampk nima veze, Yuki ma kot guardian vstop v vse zgradbe na Cross academy. Gre do njegove sobe, potrka, vstopi, zbudi Zerota. Neki se pogovarjata, ne vem še, kaj, in konča se tko, da Yuki spi pr Zerotu pa spita v isti postli (that's the whole point). Yuki ne ve, da jo je Kaname vidu, in ji sledil do Zerota in s svojimi močmi vidu, kaj sta Zero pa Yuki nardila (in ne, Zero in Yuki nista spala skupi, se prav seksala ampak sta spala v isti postli). Kanameju gre Zero na živce sploh po tem, k je Yuki šla k Zerotu in ne k njemu. The next day: Kaname vs Zero. Kanameju je dost tega, da se njega boji, Zerota pa ne. Zero in Kaname se spopadeta in glede na to, da ma Kaname neke moči kot pureblood vampire, zmaga. Samo ne vem še, če Zerota smrtno poškoduje ali ne. Ampk stoposto ga pa zlo hudo zdela. Je pa res, da nimam srca, da bi koga ubila, čeprov je samo risani lik.
Ampk tale ideja, k sledi, je pa najbolša in je nastala danes, k sm šla iz šole domov. Barbara more to prebrat, da se bo smejala. Bereš, Barbara?
Beyblade - tle bom povedala še to, kako sm do tega pršla. Torej, je ameriška stran, se mi zdi. In sm razmišlala, da bi se lahko domisnla kkšnga fanfica, k bi se dogajal v Sloveniji, da bi američanom skoz fanfic predstavl našo majhno deželo. Potem sm se mogla spomnt, kakšn fanfic bi to bil. Iz kere serije, animeja, mange, igre bi folk šu v Slovenijo in kam bi se tam dogajal. Pršla sm na najbol debilno idejo ever: naslednji Evropski turnir v Beybladu bi se namreč dogajal v naši predragi, prelepi (pre)majhni Sloveniji. (Se že režiš, Barbara?) Bladebrakersi, Demolition boysi in sploh the Majestics (tej so namreč nazadne bli najbolši v Evropi, dokler tja niso pršli Brakersi) morjo seveda tekmovat. Pa mogoče še kakšni Barthez Batallion in BEGA five pa seveda White Tigers x in mogoče the All Starz. AMPAK (seveda obstaja "ampak", kaj ste pa misll.) vsi ti naši teami iz Amerike, Azije, Rusije niso računal na to, da majo slovenci eno dobro beyblade ekipo. Kdo je v tej ekipi, še ne vem. Sta p zihr notr dve punci. K tut v resnici obstajata. Ena še nima imena, ker ma namreč svoje ime pa še dva vzdevka in se je treba za enga odločt. Toej, taprvi je ime Neva, Kia al pa Faryl. In taka, kot je Neva/Kia/Faryl v real lifu, je tut v fanficu. (Wannabe) vijolčni lasje, povprečno visoka oz. lih tolk, da je v tem povprečju, freak na mange in animeje (se pravi, da bi v anime fanficu ona gledala animeje in brala mange ... pa mogoče še kašno knjigo kdaj pa kdaj), želi si na koncert Linkinov, poleg bladanja pa trenira še karate. Njen bitbeast bi bil pa lahko kašn werewolf iz Twilighta al pa ... ma to se morm še spomnt. (Kako se držiš, Barbara, smrtno resno po možnosti?) No, da preidemo na drugo osebo. Tej drugi osebi je ime Barbara. Mogoče bi to lahko zmanšal na kej krajšega, čeprov ne vem, na kaj. Ampak, če bo Neva/Kia/Faryl hotla mal zafrkavat, jo bo poklicala Barbie, ker Barbara to sovraži. Barbara je bol mala, se pravi mejhna, ma rjave lase, ve skor vse o grški mitologiji, tko kot Neva/Kia/Faryl je freak na animeje in mange, sploh Naruta, piše serijo knjig o nekem drugem svetu al vesolju al kako bi temu rekla ... njen bitbeast bi blo pa kkšno bitje iz njenih knjig al pa iz mitologije pa k predstavlja njo, afkorz ... torej more bit neka zver, ker ona ma zveri zelo rada. Mogoče lisica? Nine-tailed fox? Poleg Neve/Kie/Faryl in Barbare/nevemševzdevka more bit vsaj še ena oseba, ker so fajti two out of three (se pravi trije fajti, tist team k zmaga dva, zmaga battle), ampk se ne morm spomnt, kdo bi to lahko bil. Mogoče tip, da ne bomo same punce. Pa še idej za ime ekipe nimam, ampk bomo že pršli do tja. Pa mogoče še koga, k bi mel technical knowledge o beybladih, ampk to ma lahko tut tretja oseba, k zaenkrat še ne obstaja. Zgodba: ja pač, več al mnj bi se vse vrtel o em turnirju, kdo bo zmagu in kdo se bo fajtu v zadnjem fajtu. Definitivno bo to team, kjer sta notr Barbara in Neva/Kia/Faryl, pol pa še ne vem, kdo bi bil v finalu. Pa tut kdo bo sploh pr Bladebrakersih, ker če bo Kai pr Demolition Boysih, Max pr All Starz in Ray pr White Tiger X, kje bojo pol Kenny, Tyson in Daichi (Kenny ne blada, on ma technical knowledge, tko da rabjo še enga memberja). Definitivno se pa more zgodit Kai vs Barbara fajt. Kai pa Barbara morta met nek spešl relationship, ker je Kai pač mal posebn in če bi iz tega nardila neko romanco, bi Kai bil totally out of character, to se pa ne sme zgodit. Ker Real Barbara je fanica Kaia, tko da tle more nujno neki bit. In ta fajt tut more bit. Potem Real Neva ma pa neki z Rayem, tko da tut to more bit v igri. Mogoče bi se Neva/Kia/Faryl zbližala in bi Mariah bla pol lubosumna in bi onedve postale rivals. Lahko bi se pol zgodil Neva/Kia/Faryl vs Mariah fight in bi se onedve ubistvu fajtale za Raya. Kdo bi bil winner tut še ne vem, pa če bi se Ray pa Neva/Kia/Faryl zapletla v love relationship. Čeprov Neva/Kia/Faryl bi lahko mela tut kej s kom drugim, recimo z Brooklynom iz BEGA five al pa Mystelom prov tko iz BEGA five al pa mogoče Miguel iz Barthez Batallion ... ja, tle je velik šans. Fajn bi pa blo, če bi se zgodil tut Neva/Kia/Faryl vs Ray fight. Loh bi pa ona z vsemi od teh neki mela oz. z Rayem in vsaj z enim pa bi ju Ray vidu in bi bil ljubosumn in jezn pa bi jo v fightu hotu destroyat ... čeprov Ray ni take sorte, sam je pa res, da the evil side of Ray (še) nismo vidl.
Oh ja ... kaj pa če bi jez tole počas končala? Mal je dolgo, ane ...

sreda, 3. december 2008

No no no no no

Something is serously wrong with me.
The guy just gave me a ride somewhere and on the next practise, said "hi" to me in an interresting way. And now I'm thinking about him almost ALL THE FRICKIN TIME.
And what a coincidence ... guess what his name is. Starts with an L. Ends with an A. U can figure the two letters in the middle easily by yourselves.
There's no way that I wanna be in love or obsessed with someone. No no no no no no. NO.
But I had a really nice dream today. Maybe I'll write a fanfic based on it.

torek, 2. december 2008

10 commandments as a teenager

1.) You shall not sneak out when your parents are sleeping.
(why wait that long)

2.) You shall not do drugs.
(alcohol lasts longer ... not to mention it's cheaper)

3.) You shall not steal from your parents.
(everyone knows grandma has more money)

4.) You shall not steal from K-Mart.
(Walmart has a bigger selection)

5.)You shall not be arrested for vandalism.
(destruction has a bigger effect)

6.) You shall not get into fights.
(cat fights anyway ... just start them)

7.) You shall not skip class.
(just take the whole day off)

8.) You shall not strip in class.
(hooters pay more)

9.) You shall not think about having sex.
(like Nike says: "just do it")

10.) You shall help old ladies across the street.
(just leave them in the middle)

Internet smo dobil nazaj! Končno! AAAAAAAA!