Okay, here's the thing. The match between Fuji and Akaya (read part 1 of the day if u don't know what I'm talking about) was OMFG. The match between Ryoma and Sana was OMG, OMFG, WTF, WTH, FRICKIN **********. I got everything. How they mixed manga and the anime and the Ryoma-being-posessed-thing and his speaking in english when the actual anime is in japanese, all those things. And I had bigger eyes than Ryoma and he usually has pretty big eyes. And the light in my eyes was probably there too, just like how Fuji's eyes shone with rage. But mine shone with excitement. And I could tell you all about that match and I already started writing, but then I gave up, I'm not in the mood for writing. I'm in the mood for freaking out. But I'm too lazy to freak out here. I'm just ... spechless. It's 3.23 a.m. right now but if I go to sleep now ... yeah, that won't happen, I can't go to sleep now. The only thing that's left for me is to go watch the next episode, that's gonna be very different from the last and wait for the excitement be replaced by sleepiness. But about the Ryoma-Sanada match I won't say a thing ... well, at least here. I'll keep it to myself for your own good.

I just realized. When I'm in very very very good mood and don't think much, I can write in english just as fast as writing in slovene, even though I know I make mistakes. But I shouldn't care about mistakes, I should just write and write. And that's how maybe I'll be able to write a fanfic in english like I tried many times and stopped in the middle and ended it with "SUX".

OMG, it's 3.28 in the morning and I'm sitting on a sofa in a living-room not sleep thinking about sleeping at all. No comment.

1 komentarji:

Unknown pravi ...

Um ... again ... me much? XD

Se spomneš pogovora na msn tisti dan k sm skos buljila v eno Sasukejevo sliko (in s tem mislm CEL dan).
English ruls.