He can see me! she thought in surprise. She did not want him to wake properly. And then she found she could not stop looking. She had no control over what she was doing. She had become a channer for the conflicting emotions that raged within and around her. She gazed at her brother with her Kikuta eyes, and he smiled once at her and fell asleep, never to wake again.
-Lian Hearn: The harsh cry of the Heron-

Joj, k sm tole prebrala, I was like WTF? She killed his own brother, when he was just a month or two old ...

Seksamo za rekreacijo.

Matematko sm z 2 popravla na 3.

Včeri sm jz budala šla jest neki ledeno mrzlega in posledično me dans boli grlo. Jutr pa sploh požirat ne bom mogla.

Mam plan it na knjižni sejem. Za tri dni mam spremljevalca, za en dan še rabm. Se kdo javi?

Kia, over and out.

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