sreda, 29. april 2009

Wednesday, the 29th of April in 2009

God, Kazuki Kato's voice is just perfect =))

Did i ever mention how much i hate my dad for shouting at me? If not, i'm mentioning it now. He shouts when i'm frickin POLITE to people. If anyone calls and is just doing his job, i have to be rude. Thanks for letting me know, dad.
I can't wait till thursday when he and mom are going somewhere without me (thank god!) Then he can shout all he wantr and i don't care.
When i ask him why is he shouting and what did i do wrong, i never get an answer. Clearly he doesn't know how to normally talk to people. I never understood why mom married him and probably never will. That's why i hate when people say i'm like him. They usually mean my appearance but still. I am NOTHING like him.
I want my computer back so i can just be in my room, mind my own business, do whatever i want on my computer, be by myself and don't want and need to be in the same room as him.

torek, 28. april 2009

Tuesday, the 28th of April in 2009

Aveste, kaj znam. Jz znam pa napisat ljubiti pa sovražiti pa cifre od 1 do 10 v kanjiju =)) Se pravi z japonskimi znaki, hihi.

Gledam Naruta od začetka v japonščini. Smešn je, sploh prvi deli haha. AMPAK... god, everybody praise Sasuke, Sasuke is the talented rookie, he's perfect ... no one gives a damn about Naruto. Zto mi je ful všeč na začetku, k stojijo sensei tam nekpa gledajo rookieje v učilnci pa nekdo reče "So that's the one? Rookie that scored 100%. Uchiha Sasuke." in VSI gledajo Sasukeja, Kakashi pa tist gleda Sasukeja dve sekundi (scena: Sasuke sedi v klopi, vse punce ga gledajo in so sploh zaljubljene, Naruto se je pa lih zvrnu in tam na tleh leži in sovražno gleda Sasukeja), torej Kakashi gleda Sasukeja dve sekundi pa si nč ne misli, pol pa pogleda Naruta (VSI OSTALI gledajo Sasukeja, kao woooow, he's so good) pa si misli "Uzumaki Naruto, huh ...". That's why I love Kakashi and Iruka ... the first two who cared about Naruto. In pol so vsi pričakoval neke velke stvari od Sasukeja in so bli vsi "jaja, ta je itak dober, sej bo zmagu", Naruto se je mogu pa prov dokazat. Talk about unfair. K so chunin exami (zmer sm pisala chuunin, zej pa ne več, ker vem, kaj to pomen in kako se napiše, ha!) pa se Naruto pa Kiba fajtata, je Kiba Naruta podcenjeval ... and he paid for that dearly.

Vglavnem, Sasuke in Sakura mi na začetku požirata živce. Oz. Sakura pa ves ta shit, kok je Sasuke dober (pol, k je ljubosumen na Naruta, je itak cel zajeban, ha ... režim se mu u glavo takrt xD) Pa seveda to, da se more Naruto dokazat, Sasuke ma pavse na pladnu.

ponedeljek, 27. april 2009

Monday, the 27th of April in 2009

Imperial presence Hyotei musical ma tri caste. Prvi cast je 4A, drugi je 5B, tretji je In Tokyo. 4A se gleda zard nekaterih dobrih igralcev iz Hyoteia in Watanabeja Daisukeja. 5B se gleda zard Aibeeeee (he's unbelievably cute), In Tokyo se gleda zard full cast Hyotei (meaning Kazuki & Saito are there too, unlike in 4A, where there are only a few from original Hyotei).

I shall now try to sneakily download Imperial presence 5B version.

nedelja, 26. april 2009

Sunday, the 26th of April in 2009

Joj, tok loadam, da mi nč ne dela ... zravn pa upam, d se zlovda, predn me fotr nažene dolXD

Dans sm pospravla sobo mal pa sm najdla en listek, kjer je pisu en dialog. Se mi zdi, da je iz enga SLO filma, sam pojma nimam, iz katerga.

A: Kakšno drevo pa si, če si na tleh?
B: Sem pa grm!

En Kitajc je kr kjut. Ga poznam iz ene chinese drame. Pač no, kjut je =))

As I said ... cute =))

Iz chinese drame: Someone smiles at him and his IQ drops to negative numbers.

Iz PoT mange.
A: Why are you holding the watch in your hand?
B: So my tan's even.

Dai suki [dai ski]- to love (from english-japanese dictionary)

sobota, 25. april 2009

Saturday, the 25th of April in 2009

Če bi pisala naslove zapisov, bi zdej napisala

3rd ending

Sm filozofske volje.
To the point.
Plot filma: En model (recimo mu Miha (dost pogosto ime pa te fore)) je sirota, živi s stricem, teto, bratrancem tretga kolena, neki od tega. Sprašuje se, zakaj nima več staršev, kako so umrl, v primeru, da so ga zapustl, se sprašuje, zakaj so ga zapustil. Naenkrat v njegov lajf stopi ena x oseba (lahko je ta oseba tut stric, teta, bratranc tretjega kolena), k mu pove, da je njegove starše umoril en super evil guy za svoje plane. Miha je ful jezn in se odloči, da bo maščeval smrt svojih staršev, pri tem ga spremlja x oseba in mu pove, kako lahko Miha ubije badguya. Poišče unga evil badguya, se badguy pa Miha sfajtata na kakšni pečini, Miha je na robu, badguy se vrže vanjga, Miha se umakne, badguy zgrmi dol. Oseba x ta fajt spremla. Zej od tuki dalje sta pa dva endinga.

1. ending: Miha ves prestrašen pogleda čez rob in vidi tam badguya, k se drži za skalo in ga prosi, nej ga potegne gor, pri tem pa nalaga, da mu je žal, da je evil, blaablaablaa. Miha se uleže, prime njegovo roko, oseba X mu pomaga. Skor ga že potegneta gor, k se Miha pa badguy spustita (slippery hands & stuff) in badguy zgrmi v prepad. Miha je depresivn, ker ga ni mogu rešt, oseba X mu reče, da je uredu, "you did the right thing."

2. ending: Miha odkoraka stran, badguy se začne dret, nej ga reši. Miha stoji in ga gleda zviška in ne ve, kaj nej nardi. Pride X oseba in reče "if you leave him, you'll be just like him." Miha ga gleda. Razmišla. In se uleže in reši badguya. Everybody lives happily ever after.

Lahko se tut zgodi, da se prvi pa drugi ending združta. Meaning Miha ne ve, kaj nej nardi, oseba X "if you leave him, you'll be just like him", Miha se odloči, da ga bo rešu, med reševanjem badguy zdrsne v prepad (slippery hands & stuff).

Ampak obstaja še en ending, tretji ending. Še v nobenem filmu ga nism vidla, resno nobenem.

X: You have to save him.
Miha: What for?! He murdered my parents! He's nothing but a murderer! He deserves to die!
X: If you do this, if you leave him fall, you'll be just like him.
Miha: I don't care, don't you understand that?!
X: Do you want to be a murderer?
Miha: Leaving him here won't make me a murderer. It will make me a person who saved this world by getting rid of the source of evil!
X: You kill by your own free will, you're a murderer.
Miha: Fine then! I'm a murderer! What're you gonna do? I'll tell you what. Nothing! Like you kept him grow and then spread his evil causing my parents to die, you'll do the same when it comes to me. You'll do NOTHING! *drops the badguy to fall and die and walks away*

Thank you for reading.

četrtek, 23. april 2009

Thursday, the 23rd of April in 2009

Kaj mam jeeeeeeez =))

Imperial presence mjuzikal je mel tri šole (Seigaku, Hyotei pa Higa) in namest enga casta za vsako šolo, je Seigaku mel 2 casta, Hyotei pa clo 3 caste. In Hyotei je nekje s skoraj originalnimi folksi. Ta predstava, kjer je Hyoteiu manka samo en tip, d so isti k na začetku (manka Koji Date), je bla lani oktobra v Tokiu. In jez sm ta zaklad NAJDLA na netu. Tčno to predstavo iz Tokia. Kjer je notr KAZUKI KATO<33. Pa še Saito Takumi =)) Original cast of Hyotei came back! In jez grrem zdej to gledat, čeprov nč nam razumela, ampk bom poslušala Kazukija pet. HA!

*melts as she hears Kazuki's voice*

torek, 21. april 2009

Tuesday, the 21st of april in 2009

Kaj je že blo dans? Aja, dans sm bla čiz em ... ne vemXD Vglavnem. Zjutri grem na bus, unga k je 06.54 pr nas. Čakam, čakam (pa še ene dve al tri zravn, al kok nas je že blo), čakam, busa nikjer. Ura 07.14, zdej bi mogu že nasledn bus pridt. Čakam(o), čakam(o), bus se prpele ob 07.25. Gor gužva, spet so me podplati bolel. Gužva na cesti, vozil smo se spet sto let. Pridem ob 08.05 (tam nekje) na Aškrčevo in ob 08.15 stopm v razred na nemščino. Mam neopravičeno, ne po svoji krivdi, nč frej pa dle bi lahko spala, če bi vedla, d unga busa ob 06.54 sploh ne bo. Sej, če bi blo samo dans, ane. Ampak neeeeee, to isto se je zgodil včeri. Unga ob 06.54 ni blo, edin nasledn ni mel zamude.

Zakaj mam jez take probleme s temi knjigami in branjem? Včeri se učim tam do pol dveh. Se spravm v postlo. Začnem brat. In sej ne, da bi jez lepo prebrala par strani pa odložila knjigo, neeeeeee, jez bom prebrala do konca. To je pomenil, da sm bla na konc knjige spet čist zbujena, ker je bil konc zanimiv. Hočm spat. Se premetavam po postli tam nek 45 min in zaspim ob 4. Vstanem ob 6. Ne spim več s čepki, ker me je strah, da bi prespala budilko. Z nedele na pondelk 4 ure in s pondelka na tork 2 uri. Kuuuuuulj. Pa dons spet mal spanja. Čis sm z(a)jebana, ha!

A little video for y'all. I love this musical. Dancing =)

ponedeljek, 20. april 2009

Monday, the 20th of April in 2009

Ma tale film Heat island mi tak dobr deluje, sam k fanking NČ ne razumem. In ja no, sej je Shirota tut kr kjut. Hah, Shirota fighting, that's pretty cute. Sam still, ni drop dead gorgeous tko k Kazuki, that's for sure.

Sam res nč ne razumem, dammit. Ker začetk. Eni se fajtajo tam za dnar, drugi so v igralnci, eni spustijo nek plin tam v tisto igralnco, vsi zaspijo, eno pokradejo dnar, uni tam se še zmer fajtajo za dnar, Shirota oz. Aki (tak mu je ime v filmu) pa fajt sam od strani gleda, uni oropajo igralnco in so vsi srečni, k jim uspe, frend od akija get's beat up by someone he doesn't know, nasledn dan on pretepe njega in gre un v bolnco in jez pojma nimam, kaj se dogaja XD Rabm podnapise. Pa jih ni.

Razumela sm, k je en model prašu Akija, če je uredu. Kaj je pol Aki odgovoru nazaj, I have no idea.

Okej, pršla sm do zaključka. Ruito Aoyagi is an incredible dancer.

Zajebavata me Shift in Č. Kuuuulj.

*10 minutes later*

Ahaha, kaj sm pa jez zdele najdla. Let me tell you just one thing.
It's download time! Dobr, d mam na kompu 21 giga placa hahaXD Uh kriza, to bo loadanja zdele še pa še. Idol DVDs, D-Boys stage performances, Imperial presence hyotei matches (in to TOKYO VERZIJA! Meaning s KAZUKIJEM! In SAITOM! YES! HA!), potem mamo Tenimyu supporters DVD (to je 8 DVDjev, vsak DVD ma ene 4 download linke ... aaaaaa. Heaven, I'm in heaven!XD), potem je tuki nek Air Gear musical (it has KENN in it ... KENN is cool), pa neki happy Boys (sami lepi tipi, Seto Koji, KenKen, Shindo Gaku, Kato Keisuke) in Beauty boys celebrity (Masaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa <3) in napisala sm še ne vem kaj vse in mi komp faking zbriše. A loh znorim?!

Fak, sej je Japonska, ampk nkol neb mogla v takem živet, da se mi sfuka XD

Kere slikce mam še kej na kompu. To so vse screenshoti iz filmov in jdram in mjuziklov in ne vem, česa še.

Ajaa, morm pogledat, kaj je za en film Aquarian age. Tak hud naslov ma.

In spet bom šla ob dveh spat. Kuuuuuuulj.

Aaaaha, Najdla sm guide, kako si nardiš account na uni strani, s kjer se loada une linke, k sm jih prej najdla in pol, kako se loada s te strani. Aaaampak, si bom jutr vzela cajt. Čeprov ga nimam, ampk uredu.


Shirota working out. Sej je lep, no. Sam on ne šteje, k je 50:50. Mat je iz Španije, fotr pa z Japonske. Oh ja.

Mmmm, všeč mi je. Gremo gledat čimprej. Kdaj že pride v kino? *gre gledat na*

This is called Fan Service

Všeč mi je besedilo

Všeč mi je ... komad pač.

Ah, radosti barvnega Youtuba. =)

Ha, kok mam lep MSN =))

sobota, 18. april 2009

Saturday, the 18th of April in 2009

En model, k sm ga včeri spoznala, je pa kr kjut =)

Mat mi je pospravla sobo XD

Komp sm dobila nazaj.

Nism bla prašana angle včeri, ha.

Popoldne sm sama doma.

Šuba je zgubla v ŠILI, ker je premal Šubkov šlo navijat za njih. Zgubla je za 0,6 točke. 0,6! Mislm ste pa tut Šubki.

Abuuuu. I'm out of ideas.

četrtek, 16. april 2009

Thursday, the 16th of april in 2009

I didn't have time yesterday to write something here, cause I was busy with searching for some boys love movie (aka yaoi) and also found a series that has 3 eps of girls love (aka yuri). I missed 15 minutes of House because of it!

Oh yes, I'm speaking and writing today in english because me has a test tomorrow.

Well, there's not much to tell. Again I missed a better grade in english class by 3 percent. And on the test before this one I missed a better grade by 1 percent. Is this lame or what?

What else, what else ...

I'm now going to check my email (I think it's about time I pay a little visit to the library ... need to say hi to it) and then watch these yaoi movies before my mom or dad comes home.

Sayonara! Oh wait, that was in japanese. Goodbye!

torek, 14. april 2009

Tuesday, the 14th of April in 2009

Jez se lah za cel dan zaposlim z gledanjem slik na pali-mari.livejournal. Najnovejše slike Renna Kiriyame so super lepe in kul, HA.

Kupla sm si japanese phrasebook. Zej vem, zakaj se sempai piše z m. Kako se šteje, sm sama pogruntala. Tko da zdej znam do 99 štet *kul* Sej ni tak težko. Pa še nikol mi niso ble jasne te -san, -chan, -kun in tako dalje. Pa kaj pomeni, če je nad samoglasnikom črta (oz v tej knjigi je narisana strešca).

Čiz sm zajebana, HA!

Komp se mi je sesul. Zgubla sm seminarsko nalogo za slovo. Foksa me bo ubila. Upam, d mi da en tedn, da nardim. Klinc.

A še kej. Ja, že drugič v relativno kratkem času sm mela (za)misel, da pustim šolo pa pridem septembra nazaj.

Aja, moj najnovejši plan. Delam 1, 2, 3 poletja, zaslužen dnar zapravm za trip to Japan. Good plan? Me likes it.

Khm ... Barbara, kje je komentar?!?!?! Kje je komentaaaaar?!?! Genki je lep pa to? :P

ponedeljek, 13. april 2009

Monday, the 13th of April in 2009

Genki Okawa is so unbelievably cute! Wiuuuuwiuwiuwiuwww

My personal favourite are the scenes
00.00-00.36 (Genki je ta, k sedi na drugmu modelu)
01.41-02.03 (Seto kaže svoje spretnosti, pol pa Genki hoče ponavlat pa mu lopar pade iz rok ... pobere pa zbeži .... aaaaaaaaaaaa, cute, lovely, adorable, kawaiiiiii, wiuuuuu)
02.22-02.51 (it's his birthdaaaaaaaay =) )
Tista slika na tabli, tist je Genki narisu =))
03.50-04.05 (Genki (rumeno črne cote) and Aiba (modro bele cote) hugging ... and Genki probably all teary ... what more could a person like me possibly want from them??)
04.05-04.14 (First Dori being a dork and hugging himself in a cute way ... then Genki comes along and they hug ... *melts from sweetness*)

And another video of him

He's just too cute. Really. Srsly. Yeeeeeeeah. Veste, kak dobr špila tipa, k se mu je zmešal. K tam kriči k budala na odru, aaaaaaaaa. Can I just touch him, pleeeeeeease??? Just a tiny touch? *big cute puppy eyes*

nedelja, 12. april 2009

Sunday, the 12th of April in 2009

Mislm če pa to ni res. Ma ja, pišem v angleščini, razmišlam v angleščini, z nekaterimi se pogovarjam v angleščini. Koga briga? Model mi pol reče, da zato ker mam (skor) vse na msnju (vzdevek + osebno sporočilo (da ne bom v angleščini napisala, aveste, se bom zadržala)) napisan v angleščini, zaničujem slovenski jezik. Mislm WTF?? Oprostite. Bom po slovensk. Kaj za vraga? Ampk on mi gre pametovat o tem, da jez zaničujem slovenski jezik, k on napiše ime praznika narobe. Oz. ne ime praznika, sam očitno ne ve, da se praznike piše z malo začetnco. Odkar se poznamo, mi on teži s tem, da sm res neumna, ker pišem v angleščini. Da smo v Sloveniji in ne v angleško govoreči državi. Pol mu pa jez zdele mimgrede rečem, da se praznike piše z malo, model men nazaj "I don't give a shit about that." Okej, kaj je s tem stavkom narobe. Prvič, napisu oz. reku ga je v, tralala, ANGLEŠČINI. Model, k men teži zard angleščine, je napisu to v točno tem jeziku, k ga očitno ne mara. Drugič, če on men pametuje o slovenskem jeziku, bi lahko mel o slovenskem pravopisu tolk pojma, kot ga mam jez, pa ga očitno še tolk nima. Pol gre pa on men pametvat o jebenih jezikih.
Sej, če bi mi reku samo enkrat, pa če bi blo v zajebanciji al pa ne. Ampk neeeeeeeeee, on mi bo to šu rečt vsakič, k se pogovarjava. Mislm ja, okej, ni mu všeč, če pišem v angleščini (pa samo enkrat sm to nardila, da sm prov njemu kej v angli napisala, edino kar on drgač pr men angleškega vidi, sta moj nickname, oprostite, vzdevek in osebn sporočil), poveš mi enkrat, dvakrat, ne pa da mi STALNO težiš s tem. Če ti ni všeč moje prikazano ime (da ne bo skos vzdevek), ga pač ne ber, sej lah bereš sam tist, kar sm napisala. God, people, why the hell do you make things harder?!?!?! Oprostite. Za boga, ljudje, zakaj za vraga delate stvari težje?!?!?! A je zdej uredu?

Isti ampk res isti primer je moja gej frendica. Lezbična frendica. Whatevr. Ja, okej, si gej al lezbijka al whatevr. Povedla si mi in verjem, če mi neb, sploh neb opazla. Sam d mi pa zej vsako ampk res VSAKO stvar na to obrneš, ma dej faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaak, a daš loh že mer s tem?!

Pa režala se mi je, k sm ji rekla, d grem trenerat karate. Pa njena sošolka se je men režala, pa se sploh ne poznava.

Pa sm na igrišču s to frendico pa njenim bivšim sošolcem. Mojim bivšim sosošolcem. Model se ukvarja z downhillom al neki tazga. Frendica, veste kaj ona dela. Ona riše. Nč druzga. Jez sm karateistka, igram sintisajzr pa še kej bi se najdl. Kaj mi model reče. Downhill je kul, adrenalin pa dnar pa blablabla. Risanje je kul, izražanje samga sebe, talent, blablabla. Karate --> kr neki. Kaj je to karate? Kr neki, ni adrenalina, brez veze. Igranje sintisajzerja --> kr neki. Ni užitka, ni adrenalina, kopiraš za drugimi, k igraš komade, k že obstajajo. Frendica mi reče oz njemu pove, da jez se naučim en komad, k ga pol sto let preigravam pa njej težim z njim. Ma klinc, če verjamete al pa ne, jez se tle počutm resno napadeno in zatirano al whatevr. Msilm vse, kar jez počnem, je zanč, je kr neki, je neumn, je prfuknen, je zabit, ni užitka v tem pa adrenalina pa samo težim s tem. Sam da sm jez omenjena, pa je vse slabo. Karate in igranje sintisajzrja, to ni nč nenavadnega, to so everyday activities, k jih počnejo vsi po svetu. Joj, spet sm se spozabla. To so vsakodnevne aktivnosti, k jih počnejo vsi po svetu. Ampk zto, ker jih jez počnem, so slabe.

Ena modelka mi reče, d ji model ni všeč. Nora je na Siddharto. Resno usekana. Kazuki Kato (oz. Japonc) ma isto zvrst muske. Ona sama je rekla, d je začetek enga komada totalno enak k pr Siddharti. Pol mi pa reče, d je kr neki. Ma čiz očitno je, da je rekla to zato, ker je Japonc. Samo in edino zato, ker je Japonc. Mislm jez dost muske ne poslušam. Ampk če ma model dobr glas, bom rekla, d ma dobr glas, sam muska mi ni všeč. D mi gre pa rečt, d ji ni všeč zard njegove narodnosti, sama pa tako zvrst muske skos posluša, ma pejt u ******* s takimi izjavami.

Ja, berem mange pa gledam animeje pa drug japonski shit. Oprostite. Sranje. To v Sloveniji ni tok razširjen. Sam igranje sintisajzerja pa karate pa branje nasploh ...
Fuck u all. Aja ne, morm v slovenščini. Jebite se.

sobota, 11. april 2009

Satruday, the 11th of April in 2009

Haha, aveste angleški tongue twisterji oz en določen twister.

She sells seashells by the seashore.

Na fejsu rešujem en kviz. Všeč mi je vprašanje

If you sold shells by the sea shore which sea shells would you sell?

Try say that fast-fast-fast-fast-fast-fast-fast-fast-fast-fast-fast-fast-fast-fast-fast-fast-fast-fast-fast-fast-fast-fast-fast-fast-fast-fast-fast-fast-fast-fast-fast-fast-fast-fast-fast-fast-fast-fast-fast-fast-fast-fast-fast-fast-fast-fast-fast-fast-fast-fast-fast-fast-fast-fast-fast-fast-fast-fast-fast-fast-fast-fast-fast-fast

Skos gledam plesne scene iz mjuzikla Frogs. Ful mi je luškan mjuzikal, čeprov nč ne razumem. Sam plešejo mi pa ful dobr, ha.

My favourite dance

Evo vam vsebina. Vir: nihonwatch

The only thing Kakeru wished for the most was to dance to his heart's content. Who knew he would get his wish fast — for a price.

The musical's story revolves around Kakeru (Sakurada Doori) who is turned to a green frog after being depressed about losing a dance competition. His friend Teru (Yanagisawa Takahiko) is also turned to a yellow frog and both of them are inevitably trapped in a world where dancing is the life and rain is the best thing ever.

In their frantic search for the escape route back to the human world, Kakeru and Teru meets formidable allies in the forms of Amane (Aoyagi Ruito), a pink carefree frog, and his minions. Amane challenges Kakeru to dance showdowns and at the same time encourages him to stop wishing to go back to the human world. Kakeru, who is distraught with his disappointments in his own world, considers staying for life in the world of frogs.

But just as Kakeru is rediscovering his love for dancing with the help of Amane's challenges, he and Teru are confronted by Fukurou (Uehara Takuya) and his minions. They are ordered to capture the two invaders and put them to death. A fun-loving blue frog at heart, Fukurou disobeys their superior's orders and with Amane helps Kakeru and Teru to escape. There is only one way to go back to the human world after all: talking to the great god of frogs and asking his aid.

As their journey to meet the frog god and plead for his help, Kakeru undergoes a dilemma of wanting to return and not wanting to. This creates further conflicts not only among the four, but within Kakeru himself.

The essentially real human emotions of wanting to run away from life's disappointments is one of the most touching parts of the production. Kakeru represents a person who is afraid to go through the path he has chosen because of a problem he encounters. His friends, whether they encourage him to look at the same path again or pull him to a world where he could care less but without the life he has frown used to, helps him reach a conclusion where he and everyone else will achieve satisfaction.

The musical is not played only for entertainment. It imparts messages on facing life, making friends, and following dreams. FROGS, especially its end, might be a bit cheesy and childish for the older viewers, but it cannot be denied that it is one production that can be watched over and over again and can still portray lessons that touch the ones heart, stunts that tickle the senses and tongue twisters that will never be spoken the correct way no matter who tries.

Imagine being in Kakeru's shoes and landing in a world where you can do whatever you want for the rest of your life with new friends, only to be deprived of the things you had and people you had met before. Which world will you choose to be in?

Me totally wants this

Not entirely conscious froggie =)

sreda, 8. april 2009

Wednesday, the 8th april in 2009


Eno sošolko ma dost folka za ne lih kej preveč brihtno. Me included. Facebook, test "kaj si bil v prejšnem živlenju". Ona je dobila rezultat delfin. Delfini so pametne živali, ane. Model, k je kviz naredu, je za opis delfina napisu

Si zelo razigrana oseba. Rad pripoveduješ šale in se spakuješ. Si malce ne resen, a v tvoji družbi je vedno zabavno, saj si tudi precej intiligenten. V prejšnem življenju si bil DELFIN!

Notice: intiligenten namest inteligenten.

Sošolka napiše zravn tega rezultata

a use tiste k mislejo d sm neintiligentna.=)).



Not entirely conscious froggie. =)

torek, 7. april 2009

Tuesday, the 7th of April in 2009

Hi there!

Kako se spoznaš s tipom na busu ob pol enajstih zvečer na busu, k je več k 3/4 prazn?

Dans sm šla s treninga. Pridem na busno, tam stoji en tip. Emo, ja. Ampk je bil kjut. Sej nism bla pr voli za pogovarjanje, sam za gledanje. Gre na bus in se usede točno na tist sedež, kamor se jz *vedno* usedem. In ob tej uri je ta sedež do zdej bil *vedno* frej. Jez se usedem na sedež za njim. In sm pol celo vožno gledala v njegov odsev v oknu. Na nekoga me je spominju pa pojma nimam, na koga. Mislm da na enga iz kašnga animeja ... al pa mogoče na Hirokija iz Koizore aka Sky of love. No ja, med vožno sm se zabavala z gledanjem v njegov odsev v oknu.

Not entirely conscious froggie. =)

nedelja, 5. april 2009

Sunday, the 5th of April in 2009

Nadaljevanje. Pol sm nehala tist pisat in šla spat. Se zavedate, da sm jz prespala eno popoldne. Eno popoldne sm vrgla stran.

Vsi poznate (mislm jez tut to poznam, pa nism gledala Star Wars) tole sceno.

Darth Vader: If you only knew the power of the dark side. Obi-Wan never told you what happened to your father.
Luke Skywalker: He told me enough! He told me you killed him!
Darth Vader: No. I am your father.
Luke Skywalker: No...that's not true! That's impossible!
Darth Vader: Search your feelings. You know it to be true.

Ma iz tega so se zajbaval haha.

Ashura: "I am your father Luke - I mean, Shadow."
Shadow: "Shut up with the clichés already! You're not actually my biological father, are you? I saw that movie. I'm not going to do that stupid NOOOOOOOOOO thing."

Dark Helmet: I am your father's uncle's cousin's nephew's former roommate!
Lone Starr: What does that make us?
Dark Helmet: Absolutely nothing, which is what you are about to become!

Patrick: You killed my erection!
Melty Man: No Patrick, I am your erection!

Stillgoe: Punt and Dennis never told you what happened to your father.
Benn: You're not my father!
Stillgoe: No, of course I'm not. Whatever gave you that idea?

NC: Wait! Would you do this to your brother?
AVGN: Brother? You're my brother?
NC: Yeah!
AVGN: Huh. Well, certainly you know the name of our mother.
NC: Um... I don't know... Elyssa... *Nerd points Super Scope at Critic* Oh, blame a guy for trying!

Dad:Dexter, I'd like to have a little word with you.
Dexter:Oh, and what would that be?
Dad:(Coming out of the shadows)Dexter, I am your father!
Dexter: NOOOOO! That Cannot Be True!....Oh, No wait, that's right.

Pa še pol je v Star wars Darth Vader hotu prepričat Luka, nej se mu prdruž. "Join me, Luke! Join the dark side!"

Dad: Join me, Dexter. Join the muffin side!

Timmy: Hey! You cut off my hand! I've only got two of those!
Darth Vader-like: Don't worry, you get a new one. A really cool robot one!
Timmy: How do you know all this?
Darth Vader-like: Because, Timmy, I am your father (Removes mask to reveal himself as Cosmo)
Cosmo: Your godfather!

Guitierrez: Freakazoid, help me! Would you let your father fall?
Freakazoid: My father? You're my father?!
Guitierrez: *glances confused at camera* O-oh yes. I am your father!
Freakazoid: *goes to help him, stops* W-who was my mother?
Guitierrez: Uhh... Faye Dunaway?
Freakazoid: *crosses arms* No she's not...
Guitierrez: Kaye Ballard?
Freakazoid: Kaye—nooo.
Guitierrez: Would you believe Sandy Duncan?

CheapSkate: You can't turn me in, Skate Lad.
Skate Lad: Give me one good reason.
CheapSkate: Well, um, because, uh... Skate Lad, I am your father.
Skate Lad: Huh?! No you're not; my dad works down at the sporting goods store. I look just like him, loser!

Kaj sm nardila. Pršla sm iz šole v četrtek, nardila kosil, pojedla, se mal s fotrom skregala, the usual. Sam sm bla zaspana in okol petih sm šla ubistvu spat. Pa sm mislla, d se bom okol 7 zbudila in tako dalje. Ura je zdele 4.11 zjutri. Zbudila sm se pred pol ure =))

Mel smo včeri športno. Jez se preoblačm. In se kr naenkrat spomnem "I expect from you nothing less than complete domination!" Sm poslala nekomu SMS in ji še napisala, iz kje je, da ji bo ja jasn, od nje pa nč ... Sam tko ful mata complete domination pa preoblačenje v Tivojilu veze.

Man, the foreign folks made me depressed.

Sej poznate Star Wars, ane. Vidla sm eno slikco Orlanda Blooma pa Vigga Mortensena v vlogah Legolasa in Aragorna.
Legolas: Luke will come to the dark side.
Aragorn: Wrong movie, Orlando.
Legolas: I know. I just wanted to say it. ma včas prov hude.

Gandalf comes back in the second Lord of the Rings movie as shown by the trailers. Spoilers for some, but anyone who read the book would have known this.

  • This was actually a strip in Real Life Comics. Greg talked about Gandalf coming back, and Dave, ever the Dork Boy, replied with "He comes back? Why'd you spoil it for me?!"
    Greg: Geez, Dave, these books have been around for fifty years. Me telling you about it is like telling you Hamlet dies at the end of the story.
    Dave: Hamlet dies?!
    Greg: I take it back. You can't go with us until you spend some time at the library.

Petra: "Please don't kill him, Bean. Please."
Bean: "Remind me why."
Petra: "Because we're good people."
Volescu: *laughs* "You live by murder. How many people have you both killed? And if we add in all the Buggers you slaughtered out in space..."
Petra: "Ok, go ahead and kill him."

Phantom Limb: Thank you. We're not so different, you and I.
Brock: Yeeeaah, I don't need another "we're not so different" speech. I get those a lot.
Phantom Limb: Yes I'm sure you do.

Vicious: You should see yourself. Do you have any idea what you look like right at this moment, Spike?
Spike: (with a savage grin on his face) What?
Vicious: A ravenous beast. The same blood runs through both of us. The blood of a beast that wanders, hunting for the blood of others.
Spike: I've bled all that kind of blood away.
Vicious: Then why are you still alive?!

Edward: It's funny. Every crook I meet wants to tell me how much I'm just like them.

Nick: We're the same, you and me. We're the same, don't you see?
D-Fens: We are not the same. I'm an American and you're a sick asshole.

Ricky Tan: Would you like me to tell you how your father died?
-Lee cocks gun-
Carter: Whoa, now, Lee. He ain't worth it man. He tryin' to mess with you. Don't do it.
Ricky Tan: He never begged for his life, or tried to make a deal.
Carter: Put the gun down, Lee.
Ricky Tan: All he asked for, seconds before I pulled the trigger, was that I promised not to kill you. Oh, it was so pathetic.
Carter: Aw, hell no, he done gone too far. You better shoot his ass, Lee, shoot his ASS!