sreda, 29. april 2009

Wednesday, the 29th of April in 2009

Did i ever mention how much i hate my dad for shouting at me? If not, i'm mentioning it now. He shouts when i'm frickin POLITE to people. If anyone calls and is just doing his job, i have to be rude. Thanks for letting me know, dad.
I can't wait till thursday when he and mom are going somewhere without me (thank god!) Then he can shout all he wantr and i don't care.
When i ask him why is he shouting and what did i do wrong, i never get an answer. Clearly he doesn't know how to normally talk to people. I never understood why mom married him and probably never will. That's why i hate when people say i'm like him. They usually mean my appearance but still. I am NOTHING like him.
I want my computer back so i can just be in my room, mind my own business, do whatever i want on my computer, be by myself and don't want and need to be in the same room as him.

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